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Together we can make an impact

The church isn't an event to attend - it's a place to belong. We need each other to get through this journey because we can do more, be more, and endure more when we're walking through life together.


Jay Valley Preschool - Newborn to 4 years - Welcome to the wonderful world of Jay Valley Preschool. From newborn through 5 years old, we minister God’s love to children through music, bible stories, coloring, games, and fun. Jesus loves children and so do we!


Jay Valley Kids - Ages 5 years - 5th grade - Jay Valley Kids is where the power of a real relationship with God starts and where the threat of a life built on the lies of the enemy ends. God uses Jay Valley to develop faith in kids that will never leave them in times of trouble; a faith that will never fail them through life’s trials and will lead them on a constant journey of growth, knowledge, blessings, and victory.


Jay Valley Youth- Ages 6th - 12th grade - Jay Valley Youth is where the power of a real relationship with God continues and where the discipleship of our youth begins. God uses Jay Valley to help the youth deepen their faith and to learn to share that faith with others.  Our goal is make sure our youth are equipped to stand against this world and give them the tools to remain faithful as they begin their adult journey.


Jay Valley GenZ - 18 - 25 - At Jay Valley GenZ we’re all about helping young people own their faith and find ways to put it into action. We have a heart for student-led ministry and an atmosphere where everyone not only feels welcome but like an integral part of the ministry. We’re going after community, connection and true God encounters that stick with us when things get tough. God is moving in this generation in incredible ways and we want YOU to be a part of it!


Jay Valley Ladies Ministry - The ladies of Grace is strong and empowered to bring hope and healing to this generation.  The ladies ministry has a weekly bible study and regular communication to establish a bond that allows everyone to feel connected and a part of this community.


Jay Valley Men's Ministry - Men of Jay Valley provides the opportunity for men to come together and establish Godly relationships, build spiritual strength while sharing struggles, testimonies, and experiences, and set the stage to mentor men within our church and community.


Being His Hands & Feet - Benevolence Team - Lead by Wanda Irby

At Jay Valley, we pray and things change. We've changed and the world around us is transformed. We believe in being the hands and feet of Jesus and to use our gifts, talents and resources to show His love to others.


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© 2022 - 2024 Jay Valley Baptist Church - All Rights Reserved.